Grice Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage located in Newmarket

big announcement,

We have hired a naturopathic doctor.


Grice 4 Health

A healthy lifestyle and recovery starts with you and we are here to help.


Welcome to Grice Clinics

Grice Chiropractic and Associates is home to a group of highly qualified and dedicated natural health care professionals. Any person seeking chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture and/or therapeutic exercises, has found the right place. We operate as an interdisciplinary team, partnering with you to achieve and maintain your optimal health. Since its inception in 1959 Grice Chiropractic has evolved into two, state-of-the-art natural health care centres located in Toronto and Newmarket. The Toronto clinic proudly serves the Weston, Junction, Bloor West, Etobicoke, Vaughan and GTA. The Newmarket Grice Chiropractic location serves, Aurora, Holland Landing, King City, Sharon, East Gwillimbury, Stouffville, Bradford, Richmond Hill, Keswick and GTA.

At the heart of Grice Chiropractic is an incredible history of four Chiropractors from two generations.


Contact Us

Newmarket Clinic


16945 Leslie St. Unit 6
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 9A2


Tel: 905-898-2222
Fax: 905-898-2245

Toronto Clinic


2297 Weston Rd.
Toronto, ON
M9N 1Z7


Tel: 416-247-0653
Fax: 416-247-7303


Areas of Practice


Chiropractic is a non-invasive, hands-on health care discipline that focuses on the neuromusculoskeletal system. Chiropractors practice a manual approach, providing diagnosis, treatment and preventive care for disorders related to the spine, pelvis, nervous system, muscles and joints.

Our Chiropractors may include joint manipulation, mobilization, traction, soft tissue therapy, laser, ultrasound, interferential current as well as other techniques and modalities in your treatment.

◊ Available Chiropractors in Newmarket- Dr Kevin Grice, Dr Lauren Jackson

◊ Available Chiropractors in Toronto- 
Dr Kyle Grice, Dr Leslie Grice, Dr. Mary Rasmi-Wakileh, Dr. Lorne Papernick, Dr. Chris Saieva


Acupuncture is the use of specialized fine needles inserted into specific points. It can be used to treat many Musculoskeletal conditions as well as affect the body on a systemic level.

◊ Available Acupuncturists in Newmarket - Dr. Lauren Jackson

◊ Available Acupuncturists in Toronto -Jennifer Spyropoulos

We also Offer; High Speed Digital X-Rays, ScoliBrace, Orthotics, Taping, Health Consulting, THERAPEUTIC exercise and Gift Certificates

To learn more contact the clinic nearest you. Newmarket/ Toronto


Our Physiotherapists will assess and treat your acute and chronic neuromusculoskeletal conditions and injuries and will provide education and preventative strategies for an improved quality of life in your home, workplace or favourite leisure activity.

We will help to rehabilitate your injuries, manage pain, improve your mobility and physical activity, improve and maintain your optimal functional independence, and optimize your overall health and well-being through movement and exercise, manual therapy, treatment modalities, education and advice.

Allow our Physiotherapists to develop a personalized treatment plan and maintenance program based on YOUR specific needs today!

◊ Available Physiotherapists in Newmarket - Felour Torabi

◊ Currently unavailable in Toronto - Currently Hiring


Psychotherapy is a therapy using different modalities to help clients gain a better understanding of what work and tools they can gain from speaking to a professional.

◊ Available Psychotherapist in Newmarket - Dela Footohi

Registered Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy consists of hands-on personalized treatment. It has a therapeutic effect on the body and optimizes health and well being. We offer a natural conservative treatment approach that relieves musculoskeletal pain for many patients. Our office provides specific massage and muscular therapy that is tailored to meet the patient's condition and injury. The benefits of massagetherapy may include increasing blood circulation, reducing swelling,  relaxing muscles, relieving muscle pain and spasms, and aid in recovery and range of motion.

Our therapists are highly skilled and professional and your personal privacy will always be respected. 

◊ Available Massage Therapists Newmarket- Cameron Day, Natalie Kelly

◊ Available Massage Therapists Toronto- Christy Chudy, May Azucena, Paula Torres

Naturopathic medicine

Naturopathic doctors use treatments that encourage the body to heal itself while using methods and medicines that minimize the risk of harmful side effects. Every patent is different, therefore individualized treatment is necessary and takes all factos in consideration; physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and social factors. Naturopathic Doctors integrate standard medical diagnostics with a broad range of natural therapies.

◊ Available Naturopathic Doctor (Currently Available by Telephone ) - Dr. Michelle Salga


In the future, Chiropractic will be valued for its preventative qualities as much as for relieving and adjusting the cause of ailments.
— B. J. Palmer


The First Step to Your Healthy Lifestyle or Recovery

Upon arrival you’ll be greeted by one of our administrative team members.
If this is your first visit, you will be asked to complete a comprehensive questionnaire that provides your healthcare professional with your health history and concerns.

What to expect?
Our health care practitioners offer the most effective therapies, treatments and rehabilitation of a wide variety of acute or chronic muscular and skeletal conditions. All our practitioners will incorporate the latest research based effective technologies and hands on treatments so you can be on your way to a healthy and quick recovery.

Phase 1: Relief Care
If you are in pain when you come into our office, the first objective is to help you feel better. Depending on the severity of your problem, it is typical to need care 3-5 times per week for 2-6 weeks.

Phase 2: Corrective Care
During the corrective care phase and depending on the condition we can recommend adjustments, physiotherapy and exercises. Muscles and other tissues are given time to heal to your maximum capacity, thereby helping prevent injury. At the end of the program of care, a physical re-evaluation will be performed along with a questionnaire re-evaluation to access both subjective and objective progress.

Phase 3: Wellness Care
Once your body has fully healed, periodic adjustments have shown to help avoid future problems. Treatment frequency can range based on your lifestyle.


Lets Chat

Use the forms below to contact us regarding your inquiry. Please be as detailed as possible to help us best service your inquiry. Make sure to click the clinic location you are looking for. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.

We’re always accepting new patients.


Newmarket Clinic


Toronto Clinic