Purchase your Denneroll orthotic device at Grice Chiro.

We carry the Cervical Denneroll Orthotic Device, a pillow-like device engineered with curves, angles, and ridges to correct abnormal lordosis of the cervical spine.

Denneroll Spinal Othotics

Correct cervical lordosis, as defined by numerous research studies, has been shown to prevent nerve, ligament, and muscle damage, relieve pain, and improve overall health.1-11 Car accidents, falls, and poor posture all contribute to abnormal Cervical Lordosis, putting a patient at greater risk of adverse nerve, ligament, and muscle function. Ultimately, abnormal Cervical Lordosis may lead to a number of health-related disorders.1-11Denneroll, as proven in numerous clinical cases12-15 and a randomized clinical trial16, has been shown to correct abnormal lordosis of the cervical spine. 

The Cervical Denneroll Orthotic Device is a simple, yet complex, pillow-like device engineered with curves, angles, and ridges extrapolated from the CBP evidence based cervical spinal model. With simple training and education, our chiropractors can instruct the patient to properly position the Cervical Denneroll device for low-stress, comfortable mirror-image® traction (spinal remodeling) treatments at home.